Sanctuary Church | Real Men

Men! Engage in our Men’s Discipleship Community, a space crafted to deepen your connection with God while fostering a brotherhood of men united in purpose!
At Sanctuary Church, the Real Men ministry envisions a community where men are empowered to lead with integrity, faith, and love. We aim to develop authentic biblical men who positively influence their families, church, and society, living out their God-given roles with purpose and passion
Real Men represents a commitment to spiritual and relational growth through daily Bible reading, supplementary readings, weekly challenge videos, hangouts, and more — all at no cost to you.
What you’ll receive:
– The Real Men’s Covenant
– Daily Bible Reading Plan
– Weekly Meetups
– Field Guide
– A sense of community and brotherhood
This isn’t an online church service, a repetitive men’s ministry, or an inundation of theological teachings. Our focus is revelation, not just information or entertainment.
Revelation leads to transformation and, ultimately, manifestation. Over the course of this journey, expect to uncover hidden truths and confront crucial questions pivotal in unlocking your Unfair Advantage.
Transformation is a journey God uses to shape you into the man you aspire to be — the man your family and the world await.
While we meet weekly, our support doesn’t end there; you’ll sense our presence every step of the way.
We’re committed to assisting ambitious Christian men in gaining vision, clarity, and executing their mission powerfully.
The church sometimes fails to understand us as men, relegating our growth to mere checklists. For that, we apologize and aim to rectify.
This challenge equips you with tools and mindset to flourish in your unique Unfair Advantage.
Our Values:
– Simplicity: No time for complexity.
– Challenging societal norms: Reclaiming masculinity within Christianity.
– Empowerment through choice.
– Transparency without gimmicks.
Let’s start right by reading Ephesians 1 and understanding how God sees you: forgiven, cleansed, and blessed.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed ____ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose ____ in Him before the foundation of the world, that ____ would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined ____ to adoption as a son through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on ____ in the Beloved. In Him ____ has redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of his trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on ____. In all wisdom and insight.
This is how your Father sees you men. You are forgiven, washed, clean and blessed, PERIOD.
Now, what’s holding you back from embracing your true identity and confidently pursuing God’s plan?
Knowing this, what is stopping you from being who you are, moving forward with clarity, and never second-guessing the call and plan of God in your life?
Sign up now and you’ll see why you can know the above passage is true and, at the same time, never progress into your promised land.

Sig Up For FREE Now!

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