
Become A Member

God has called us to serve one another and the community around us, but life can get in the way. Church membership encourages us to be intentional with our time and resources. It’s a form of accountability. To live for God, to love others. And we think that’s pretty important.

How To Become a Member

The Importance of Membership
At The Sanctuary, we recognize the need for formal membership. We believe formal membership in a local church is important for four reasons.

1) Biblical Reason– Christ is committed to the church. Ephesians 5:25 states, “Christ loved the church, and gave His life for her.” Membership is an important step in demonstrating our commitment to Christ.

2) Cultural Reason- We live in an age where very few want to be committed to anything . . . a job, a marriage, or family. This attitude has produced a generation of church hoppers and shoppers. Membership swims against the current of America’s consumer mentality. Membership sets us apart from the culture and says to the world that you are committed to Christ and to his church.

3) Practical Reason- Membership identifies our community and family. It defines who can be entrusted with positions of leadership within the church.

4) Personal Reason- Membership produces spiritual growth. The Bible places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. Accountability comes when you are committed to other believers in this church.

Who Can Become A Church Member?

Membership is open to anyone who has made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, believing in Him as Lord and Savior. The Sanctuary receives people into membership in one of four ways depending on one’s Christian background:

I want to become a Christian. If you are not a Christian, you may join when you are ready to make a profession of faith in Jesus as Savior, to commit your life to Him as Lord, and to be obedient to Him in the command to be baptized.

I am a member from another church. If you are currently a member of another church, you may join by a transfer of letter from that church.

I am not currently a member of a church, but I have been baptized by immersion. If you do not want to request a letter of membership from your previous Church you may join by a statement of faith in Jesus.

How Do I Become A Member of The Sanctuary?

At the end of each worship service, the pastor extends an opportunity to those seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and/or to those seeking membership in the church family.

You do not have to respond publicly. You may simply complete the information on the “Connect Card”, which can be found on your chair, and place the slip in the offering plate at the conclusion of the service.

Check out our About & Beliefs page. It will tell you who we are and why we do what we do around here. It will lay out our beliefs, teachings, theology, and doctrine. We encourage you to take a deep look into these as if you are in agreement unity will be promoted!