Get Involved

There’s a place for you here.

You’re invited to participate in the life of the church.

We are here to help you navigate and engage with the opportunity and resources available at The Sanctuary. Whether you are a first-time guest or a long-time member, we want to come alongside you as you build community and immerse yourself in the family of God.

What does getting involved look like?

For some, participation might mean learning more about The Sanctuary at our First Steps class. For others, it might mean serving as an usher on Sunday morning. Knowing what the next step is can be overwhelming, but we are eager to help all people find the spaces that best meet their needs and utilize their gifts.

Don't know where to start?
Don't know where to start?
  • Join us at First Steps or connect with us!
  • Looking to serve on Sundays or during the week? Check out our volunteer opportunities.
  • Desire to serve outside of our church within our local community? Our Outreach team would love to partner with you.

Join Us

Baptism Class

The Details |Ready to proclaim your faith through baptism or just want to know more? Our Baptism Class will provide you with material you can walk through at your own pace. You’ll learn what the Bible says about baptism and why we believe what we do.Who |Men, Women, Adults, YouthNotesThis class is for any and all interested in learning more about baptism at The Sanctuary.

Baptism Info

First Steps

Whether you’ve been around our church for a while or you’re brand new here, taking the next step starts with First Steps. First Steps is focused on helping you get to know our family of faith. We’ll talk about our mission, vision, and beliefs and introduce you to our different ministries. If you’re looking for a place to serve, interested in becoming a member, or just curious to see what we’re all about, First Steps is for you.

First Steps Info

Membership Class

Belonging to a local church is a joy for the believer, and we want to help you figure out if The Sanctuary is the place you want to belong. At our class, you’ll hear the story of The Sanctuary, what we believe, and have the opportunity to share your salvation story. Members must be at least 16 years old.Baptism following conversion is a requirement for membership. If you haven’t been baptized, please register for Baptism Class.Participants will be asked to complete pre-class work before Membership Class meets. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about The Sanctuary. Once you have completed the pre-class work, you will be able to register for an upcoming class.

Membership Info

Serve With Us

Weekend Volunteer

Create a welcoming home on a weekend service team including greeting, ushering, parking, and more.

The Sanctuary Worship Team

Join the The Sanctuary Worship Team and be part of a passionate community dedicated to ushering in the presence of God through heartfelt worship! We’re not just musicians; we’re worshippers with a mission—to create an atmosphere where hearts connect with the divine.

Whether you sing, play an instrument, or have a heart for technical support, there’s a place for you here. Together, we craft moments where melodies and lyrics become vessels for encountering God in a powerful and personal way.

Come as you are, with your talents, your passion, and your desire to make a difference. Join us in this incredible journey of leading others into a deeper, more intimate experience with our Creator through the power of worship. Let’s forge unforgettable moments together!

Fill Out The Form For More Info!